Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Brief Biography of Joseph Campbell

An accomplished talent management and development professional with nearly two decades of experience working with international companies, Kee Meng Yeo serves as the vice president of global talent development for Amway. In his free time, Kee Meng Yeo enjoys playing the guitar, traveling, and reading. He includes Joseph Campbell among his list of favorite authors of all time.

Born in White Plains, New York, in 1904, Joseph Campbell was an American author and educator whose work largely focused on mythology and its role in human culture. A prolific writer, Campbell wrote over 40 books, but he was perhaps most well-known for The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which explores mythology and spirituality in the light of modern psychology.

His other popular works include the four-volume Masks of God and the Power of Myth, a book based on a six-part PBS documentary Campbell created with veteran journalist Bill Moyers. In addition to authoring full-length books, Campbell wrote dozens of articles and edited a number of publications. He was recognized for his work with the 1985 National Arts Club Gold Medal of Honor in Literature. Two years later, Campbell passed away unexpectedly due to complications from cancer.